Swiss Whisky Festivals 2015

I love a good Whisky festival and I’ve been fortunate to go to Whisky festivals in Germany and the UK which were both very different types of exhibitions. You can read about my experience at the Russelsheim in Germany, but specifically one of the main differences is that in Germany you pay per dram – no matter the dram none of the Whisky is covered by the entrance fee alone.
Although I have never been to a Whisky festival in Switzerland my Whisky has. Lady of the Glen has been distributed by Alexander Weine and Destillate for around two years and they have taken it to various festivals across Switzerland. Their first order was our now famous 21 year old Littlemill, although will they still have it…?
Alex was kind enough to share some photos of the most recent event, ‘Whisky and more” at CH-Lausann, the French speaking part of Switzerland.

Alexander Wiene will be exhibiting at the Berne Whisky festival on the 30th and 31st of October 2015
and at the longstanding Zurich festival which will celebrate it’s 17 year anniversary. This cult exhibition enjoys four days of Whisky enjoyment from the 26th to 29th of November 2015
Not only will Alex have fine selection Lady of the Glen, some of which you can no longer get in the UK but he will also stock other quality independent bottlers from Scotland.
Perhaps you are already going to festival but if you are not, it would be a perfect opportunity to try rare deluxe Whisky that you can’t get in the UK anymore or you can treat yourself to something that is truly special not limited to the ‘Whisky heads’ attending the event.