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What’s happening at Lady of the Glen

Gregor’s Guide To Whisky Regions

Jul 02nd, 2019 | Gregor Hannah

Whisky regions are very interesting because on the one hand they help to categorise an industry by whisky type, and an industry so diverse requires some level organisation to manage, whilst on the other hand they are almost irrelevant.   Most whisky shops will categorise their stock by region and the valuation of whisky at…

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Gregor’s Guide To Whisky Glasses

Jun 25th, 2019 | Gregor Hannah

Whisky glasses are a contentious aspect of the whisky industry because everyone has a favourite and admittedly I’ve never really had a particular preference. More and more often, I’ll visit festivals where aficionados have taken their own glasses and despite some appearing more cumbersome the aficionado will be undeterred! The majority of whisky festivals provide…

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Gregor’s Top 5 Tips To Identify The Best Drams At A Whisky Festival

May 20th, 2019 | Gregor Hannah

It’s whisky festival season (does it ever end!) and we’ve already been to a few this year, while our stock has been represented by our distributors in Europe and East Asia. As you’ll know a whisky festival is a great opportunity to try new releases, expand your own palate while also trying some of your…

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Gregor’s Guide To Maturation

May 16th, 2019 | Gregor Hannah

Maturation is a key aspect of the production of Whisky. Companies spend millions of pounds on sourcing oak from the Ozark region in the US for wood that will be used for the production of specific casks and the location of good bodegas in Europe is highly sought-after industry knowledge. This is all due to statistics such as 80% of a whisky’s flavour…

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Gregor’s Guide To Grain Whisky

May 08th, 2019 | Gregor Hannah

Last year we released a few single grain casks of Whisky, a Girvan Grain and before that an Invergordon. In the future, we will continue to release single grain casks as matured grain is exceptionally tasty and good value.   It is a different product to Single Malt and probably has more in common with…

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Gregor’s Guide To Peat

Apr 29th, 2019 | Gregor Hannah

Peat stacking  When I first started drinking whisky, peaty whisky was not enjoyable and as recently as two years ago I still didn’t like peat. This changed when I went to Feis Islay in 2018 and I tried so many different peaty whiskies that it finally clicked, like when you start drinking beer and it’s…

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Gregor’s Guide To Still Shape And Flavour

Apr 22nd, 2019 | Gregor Hannah

Visiting a distillery can be great fun and viewing the stills is always a highlight because in your mind, or at least in my mind, you recognize this is where that distillery’s unique spirit is created.Regardless, if folk suggest that it takes place during fermentation or it’s more to do with barley strain or to…

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Gregor’s Guide To Whisky Maturation

Apr 16th, 2019 | Gregor Hannah

As an independent bottler, cask management and a good wood policy are essential. It is the only way I can potentially add value because I can’t control the distillate.  Oak casks finished at the Bodega It is a very important step in the production of good Scotch and 50-70% of the bottled spirits flavour will come from…

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Cardrona Distillery

Apr 09th, 2019 | Gregor Hannah

In February I was fortunate to visit my friend in New Zealand and whilst there I visited one of New Zealand’s newest distillery, Cardrona.  Cardrona has developed a great reputation amongst whisky fans in New Zealand. Two different bars recommended the distillery to me and raved about the spirit it produced; they have just managed to release…

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Gregor’s Guide To Irish And Scotch Whisky

Apr 05th, 2019 | Gregor Hannah

It will come as no surprise to many that Scotland is not the only country that distils whisky…it’s just where it was perfected. Joking aside, the origins of alcohol of distillation can be traced back to ancient Egypt, although back then it had a medicinal purpose, the name alcohol is derived from the Arabic ‘Alkohol’. Supposedly…

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Our Biggest Outrun Ever

Apr 02nd, 2019 | Gregor Hannah

We’re so excited to announce that our next outrun will be the biggest to date yielding around 2000 bottles from 12 casks. This is a unique offering and is a break from our tradition of releasing 4 casks a quarter.  In fitting with our goals of whisky education, the releases will offer our customers an…

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